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They you so much for coming to our school. This was my favorite assembly ever. You were so inspiring! Thank you!

- student

Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Rockaway, NJ

March 2025


Hi, l just wanna say thank you so much for going to TJ and that was the best assembly ever!!!

- student

Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Rockaway, NJ

March 2025


im from rockaway and your speech was very inspirational. glad your doing this for kids struggling around the world. keep it up 

- student

Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Rockaway, NJ

March 2025


Hey l'm from rockaway, I wanna thank you for coming to our school and speaking. You really inspired me and Im definitely going to get your book to read it. It hard to overcome things and seeing you overcome something really difficult, really inspired me to try my best to overcome my challenges.

- student

Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Rockaway, NJ

March 2025


Hello! I'm from Thomas Jefferson Middle School and I just wanted to say how moving and inspirational you were. As someone who wants to do the same type of profession when I grow up, l am so excited for the future because you showed me how I can overcome any challenges.

Just wanted to say thank you!

- student

Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Rockaway, NJ

March 2025


Hey Jordan, you spoke at my school today and I didn't get to thank you in person. I have a learning disorder so hearing you speak about ways you can overcome them really inspired me. Thanks again for speaking to our school and I can't wait to read your book!

- student

Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Rockaway, NJ

March 2025


You were at my daughter's school today and she said you were the BEST speaker they've ever had! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to our kids!!

- parent

Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Rockaway, NJ

March 2025


We've had many speakers talk to us at Paul Mitchell, and so far, your speech was the one that really inspired me the most. I really enjoyed hearing what you had to say and hearing your music choices. Thank you for your time.

- student

Paul Mitchell the School Atlanta

March 2025


Thank you for coming out. I was inspired and teared up a few times.

- student

Paul Mitchell the School Atlanta

March 2025


Having you as our guest speaker last night taught us so many things! Thank you so much for showing us we are not defined by the paper. I had an IEP and was bullied for that. I always told people it made me "special" because I got extra help and they didn't lol. Once again, thank you. You're awesome 

- student

Paul Mitchell the School Esani, Roswell, GA

March 2025


My name is Perry Liss And I have also been diagnosed with IEP while reading your book. the book not only inspired me, but it made me become a better person. I really want to thank you and want to give my all my appreciation for you to for me to come out of my shell and it’s hard for everybody but it’s a struggle and I just want to say thank you

February 2025


Jordan was awesome...what an amazing time!  He really connected with the kids and they were completely "locked in."  My favorite part was at the end when the kids were able to speak to Jordan.  They were taking selfies with him, and he signed their shoes, arms, and even their face!  Haha.  It was really a great time and we will definitely be looking to have him return.

-Marlana Lepera

Learning Disabilities Teacher-ConsultantCase Manager/Child Study Team 

Leonia High School

February 2025


You came to my school and did the most incredible presentation. Thank you for who you are an what you do. What you are putting out into the world is truly a gift to everyone who gets the amazing opportunity to hear and meet you.

- student



Hey Jordan!! I’m from River Valley! You were amazing. I just want to say thank you’d o much for coming and doing what you did. You really changed the way I see things. I kept my promise and finished your book. I loved it. Congratulations on your big accomplishments! You are amazing and I loved your story and your interaction with the crowd. You said a lot of things that I can personally relate to and I’m glad to hear that someone that was in a similar situation as my own was able to work through it! You really inspired me and please continue being a great person! ❤️❤️❤️ by the way, you have no idea how much you saved my life and how much of an impact you’ve made for me. So thank you.

- student

River Valley High School, Bidwell, OH

December 2024


Hey Jordan! I’m from Buckeye Hills and I wanted to say thank you for coming to our school and speaking your story and giving inspiration to the school and myself. While listening to you I felt something in my heart that I you were in front of me for a reason and you helped me realize I have a meaning to be here and that the things that have and are currently happening in my life aren’t forever. I wasn’t one that liked to ever give up on dreams but after hearing your story I’ll never stop dreaming! Once again I thank you

- student

Buckeye Hills Career Center, Thurman, OH

December 2024


the speech was amazing Best I've ever heard because I really understood it, I am the same I'm dyslexic and have ADHD cant sit still I don't get made fun as much as you did, the speech really helped really help me understand it more I'm way more confident

- student

Gallia County, OH

December 2024


It was absolutely incredible, amazing, inspiring and all the words.  The students just loved it and the message of hope was heard loud and clear.

What Jordan brought to our kids had no price tag.  Our students needed this.

Thank you,

Jessica DeFelice

School Social Worker

Soehl Middle School

Linden Public Schools, LCSW

November 2024


"He made my freaking year!"

- student

Joseph E. Soehl Middle School, Linden, NJ

November 2024


Jordan Toma (NJ native) was absolutely incredible. It was unbelievable that he was able​ to hold the attention of an entire middle school for an hour and a half. He has so many great messages and an amazing story to share. I can't wait to read his book ❤️ everyone should get the opportunity to see him live, but if not check out his videos! And share them with your kids.

- teacher

Joseph E. Soehl Middle School, Linden, NJ

November 2024


Hi, My daughter attends Roosevelt Intermediate School in Westfield. She was one of the kids that received a hat and your book at the assembly, but also at the end you told her she will do great things in life. She has had an IEP for a few years now and struggles on a daily basis. No matter what we say, that she is smart and she learns differently, and encourage her, she still can feel defeated. I wanted to thank you, as I saw her believing in herself and her future after the assembly last week. You are making a difference and I am grateful. Wishing you all the best as you continue to support our next generation.

- parent

Roosevelt Intermediate School, Westfield, NJ

November 2024


I just wanted to say how much you changed my life. I was really struggling in school, but when you published your book, it inspired me. Keep doing what you do because it's flipping people's lives around. 💯👍 👍 👍

- student

New Jersey

November 2024



Jordan, thank you so much for inspiring me, you are the most motivation I have ever have (sic) and you really proved that you can do anything.-

- student

New Jersey

November 2024


I thank you for your speech it really helped me as a person to move forward and know my worth ❤️

- student

Empower All Abilities conference, Lanphier High School, Springfield, IL

November 2024


I was there 😭 loved your speech & enthusiasm 😼

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, IL

November 2024 


YOU HAVE GREAT INSPERATION definitely the best assembly yet!!

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, IL

November 2024 



You did so good it was such a great assembly I loved it so much!

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, IL

November 2024 


You ever made an impact on my life and I couldn’t thank you enough thanks you so much maybe I will get better at going to school! So thanks you! We love it

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, IL

November 2024 


You helped me so much in just an hour and a half. I’ve been struggling with not giving up and you were my motivation to push through today. Keep doing what you do. Quincy appreciated you coming!!❤️


Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Il

November 2024


Definitely best assembly brought to our school! Thanks for the shirt and signature!!

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Il

November 2024


Your speech really impacted me about the people that encourage me

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Il

November 2024


THIS WAS ACTUALLY IMMACULATE! It was very entertaining compared to our usual assemblies, and thank you SO much for coming. Trust me, I miss a lot of days of school, too (60-70 last year) but this was very motivational! All the kids loved it, and you’re the talk of the school 😭

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Il

November 2024 


You forever made an impact on my life and I couldn’t thank you enough

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Il

November 2024 


You seriously are so inspirational and you really touched my heart with your story. Keep up the amazing work Jordan. You have helped so many kids today including me!🫶

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Il

November 2024 


It was a wonderful assembly. Staff and students loved it! Thank you!!

- student

Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Il

November 2024


Hello Jordan I was at the event tonight in CT and I just want to say I have been to many speakers and you hit a different note. 

After hearing you speak I think about how students feel day in and day out from teachers not believing in them or realizing that those kids are not allowing them to hit their own personal growth target because they are not hitting proficient on district assessments and we forget to look for their gift and continually just see them as a number and not as a student who is here to produce something.  

You helped me realize that I am here to make a purpose and you can’t let those people get in your way and look back on the past and see what you have overcame to get to where you are today - and if it was done then it can continue to be done. 

I hope you actually receive this message and realize the impact that you made!

- teacher

ACES, Hamden, CT

November 2024


Hello. My daughter was at your speech today at Lower Moreland. She has dyslexia. She came home so motivated and full of smiles. I told her to think of you and all you achievements when things get hard for her. Thank you for doing this and letting kids know with this disability that the sky is still the limit. 
- parent
Lower Moreland Middle School
Huntingdon Valley, PA
October 2024


Keep up the good work, and never give up. Thank you for coming to Lower Moreland. You had a big impact on me and I just want to say thank you. You changed my life for the good.

- student

Lower Moreland Middle School, Huntingdon Valley, PA

October 2024


Jordan, Im a special education teacher ar BF. I have a student who attended your assembly today with a history of school refusal, aggressive behavior, noncompliance…. a reallllyy long list. 

During the segment of your presentation today when you talked about how you’re different in person than you on are paper…. he turned to me and said to me with wide eyes, “That’s me! i’m so different on paper than i actually am. Wow. i can’t believe he just said that.” 

and he was changed. i saw it with my eyes. You changed him today. You reached him. It was f*ckin awesome and a moment in my career i’ll never forget. he listened like he was in the room with just you. 

thank you a million times over for what you did today. 

you signed the book he got from you. xoxo

- teacher

Benjamin Franklin Middle School, Ridgewood, NJ

October 2024


I was very happy with the engagement and enthusiasm Jordan had with our kiddos. It was well received!  It was 100% positive when I debriefed.  The only negative was it got loud.  

The two kids in particular he highlighted were perfect!  Jordan and I discussed at the end…he felt like he was at home, like he belonged…our school is made of kids like Jordan and Staff that experienced similar things so we get it!  We are relationship based as well.

I am the ANNOYING MOM teacher for many of our students…and they know it and appreciate it!  I am rewarded continuously from my students for the impact Ive had. 

Jordan was great!  I’m very happy we were able to pull this off!  It was a critical time of the year for us to make this impact.  I hope and pray they carry it with them for quite some time. 

  Thank YOU!

- Donna Hanson, Advisor/Teacher

Northern Lights Community School

Warba, MN

October 2024 


Great topic and message for our kids. Jordan has a unique perspective- his endorsement of people who annoy you is important. Liked his passion and energy. He held their interest.  

- Dave Hagman, Former School Director

Northern Lights Community School

Warba, MN

October 2024 


I just thought it was a great speech and I'm sure Jordan has helped a lot of people with similar situations.  I think it was cool I liked listening to someone else's story. 

- student

Northern Lights Community School

Warba, MN

October 2024 


I loved it, it was amazing I almost cried because I was there once and it gave me so much motivation and finally knowing that I didn’t go through it alone. 

- student

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024 


Listening to Jordan, I saw myself in many of those scenarios and still do sometimes.  Always a good reminder for me that I am enough and I am worth it. 

- Benita Hassell, Project Manager

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024


Jordan was great, I could actually relate with 90% of what he was saying and dealing with in life. 

- student

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024


I really liked Jordan he’s a really really down to earth person and he just felt like a really genuine person I get why he’s a popular public speaker or whatever I forgot the title to be honest but he used his time without dragging the thing on I really enjoyed the whole thing and hearing his struggles.  Thank you so much I really appreciate you talking to me too his speech was really really inspiring I really liked his whole thing thank you so much 

- student

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024


I LOVED Jordan. My eyes filled when he gave his necklace away. Wow.   Awe!! He was great & I think the kids loved him too. I hope he broke through to some.  I think the student got a bit teary eyed too. Such a neat experience.

- Heather Bones, Project Manager

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024


I really liked the speaker today.  lt somewhat helped me see myself and I hope it will help others with there school / anything in life but overall I liked the speaker.

- student

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024


Jordan was AWESOME! Thank you for setting that up. I think the kids loved it!

Bridgette Koran, School Children's Mental Health worker

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024


I think that presentation was great. Great one for everyone.
- Heidi Phelps, Ross Resources Officer for Truancy
Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN
October 2024


I think it was awesome!  I loved his energy and engagement with our kids.  I think he was an inspiration to many.

- Tammy Pulver, SPED Director

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024


This was a great reminder for me that things will be okay.  I was touched because I am that kid.  I related to almost everything Jordan had to say. I’m happy I was here today to hear his story. You are my Annoying Mom!

- student

Northern Lights Community School

Warba, MN

October 2024


I think it was good, I have an IEP and I struggle accepting myself for the struggles I face but I show up and give it my best and I am not giving up.  

- student

Northern Lights Community School, Warba, MN

October 2024


Hi Jordan! I hope you get thousands of messages thanking you. Today my daughter (Central Cass School) got in the car and was just happy. Let's say she felt seen. She had Dyslexia. She talked about the possibility of college and tests and how she feels more confident hearing your story. Each week she goes to Fargo for tutoring and of course like each kid, they dread having to do the work and why them. But yesterday as she got in the car she had this renewed energy for her mission to be successful. She told her tutoring coach about you coming to speak at her school. So I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for making an impact on our kids. Thank you for showing them even though you have struggles you can be successful. Thank you for speaking at our school! ❤️

- parent

Central Cass School, Casselton, ND

October 2024


hi jordan you talked at my school last week bradford high and i right felt something in your words they weren’t just words they were inspiration to be the best me i could be and thank you for taking the time out of your day to talk to us and move us i thought it was incredible especially for me i have followed you for almost 3 years i even make a stitched tiktok with you in 2021 and when i realized that you were coming to my school i got overjoyed but unfortunately i didn’t get to come see you after the speech but just listening to you is enough to change life’s so thank you again and god bless you i hope you have a wonderful day ❤️

- student

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


@imjustakidwithaniep it was a pleasure meeting ya. This was the only motivational speaker I didn't fall asleep during. You had a lot of kids motivated and the energy was unreal great job man.

- student

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


​I got to see Jordan Toma speak today and with me having an IEP I could really relate to what he talked about I got a hoodie and I got it signed. He was honestly a really good motivational speaker.

- student

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


Hi, Jordan! You visited our school in Wellsboro, PA and I want to say you were amazing! I am a Senior, so I have pretty much already finished school, but I still found you to be very inspirational. Your story of how you decided one day to change and started working as hard as you could and having it pay off, and now you are super successful, was very beautiful and touching to me. I just got a job that I wouldn't have gotten if I didn't go out of my comfort zone and go get it. All in all, I loved your story and the inspirational and motivational advice you gave and I love that you inspire the younger generations and older ones too.

- student 

Wellsboro Area School District, Wellsboro, PA

September 2024


Hey Jordan my friends and I really loved your presentation at Mansfield University today. Your one of the best speakers I've ever listened too and your words really hit home for me.

Thanks for taking a picture with me!

- student

Tioga County Secondary Students, Mansfield, PA

September 2024


Hi!!! You visited my school in coudersport Pa and I just wanted to say you have inspired me so much!!! I really appreciate you coming out here and speaking for us, out of the few speakers we’ve had you were definitely my favorite one. So, thank you so much for coming to my school, i really appreciate it and you were so fun and i wasnt falling asleep like every other assembly we’ve had. So thank you, you’ve really inspired me!

- student

Coudersport Area School District, Coudersport, PA

September 2024


i have IEPS and I have a disability, ADHD, Im Autistic it was really nice to you preforming your thing yesterday I really enjoyed it it made my day.

- student

Coudersport Area School District, Coudersport, PA

September 2024


you were amazing at our school today!! i wish we could hear more !!

- student

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


I enjoyed hearing your story a lot. I can't wait to get your book as well!! I have an iep, and I suffer the same things you did when you were a child in highschool. and your story made me want to become better and become more open and stuff so I thank you for sharing your story!

- student

Coudersport Area School District, Coudersport, PA

September 2024


your presentation was amazing

- student

Coudersport Area School District, Coudersport, PA

September 2024


Hi, I saw you at coudersport and I relate to you so much, I also have ADHD and I have trouble reading, and I really wanted one of your books and I was wondering if you could sign one and mail it to me if it's not to much for you thank you.

- student

Coudersport Area School District, Coudersport, PA

September 2024


Hey I'm from the coudersport school you visited! I just wanted to say that your story really inspired me and I think that it was awesome that you could come to our school to tell us about your story and to show kids who struggle or might be struggling that they can get through it and that it's going to make them stronger.So thank you so much!

- student

Coudersport Area School District, Coudersport, PA

September 2024


hi Jordan I just wanna say you came to my school and you made me understand myself better and I really appreciate it thank you so much 

- student

Northern Potter School District, Ulysses, PA

September 2024


Hey man i just wanted to say that i am genuinely proud of you. You’re a great man and you inspired many people today. My mom is a huge fan of you and my mom is my favorite person too. I appreciate your time and dedication to the work you do. Thank you so much. Not trying to be all cringy but i did just want to say thank you and that im proud of you.

- student

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


it was great meeting you. what you had to say made a huge impact on me in just a little amount of time i appreciate you sharing your story and what you had to go through in order to get to where you are now. I had an amazing day listening and participating I would definitely love to hear it again. thank you

- student

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


U probably don’t know me but u were at my school! I feel like dropping out bc how people treat me and u inspired me not to. 

- student 
September 2024


Hello, I just wanted to reach out and say thank you so much for coming and sharing your story!! I don’t think I could ever do something like that. I also struggle with an IEP I learn slower and sometimes I don’t even understand what I’m learning. I’m a senior this year. I really wanted to drop out. I begged and begged my parents to just let me drop out I hated being that odd kid out! But after today hearing your story really made me realize I’m not alone in this! It really helped me a lot. I cannot wait to read your book! Thank you again

- student

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


At Bradford, this amazing person made the whole school look at each other differently. 
Thank you!

- student 

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


What a great show this afternoon thank you so much from Kane pa!!

- student 

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


hey jordan this is a student from bradford area high school you took a picture with my friends and I, i took in everything you said and it made a huge impact on me thank you for coming and sharing your life story with us it meant a lot to me.

- student 

Bradford Area School District, Bradford, PA

September 2024


It was a fantastic assembly and our entire town has been talking about it! 

- Kevin Cullen, Assistant Superintendent

Middletown School District, Middletown, NJ

September 20224


I was there!! Best assembly yet, keep your head up jordan! We love you!

- student 

Baraga Area Schools + L’Anse Area Schools, L’Anse, Michigan

September 2024


Yo I had so much fun during that yesterday. Thanks for coming.🤙

- student 

Baraga Area Schools + L’Anse Area Schools, L’Anse, Michigan

September 2024


Yo great assembly my man keep it up!

- student 

Baraga Area Schools + L’Anse Area Schools, L’Anse, Michigan

September 2024


Thank you so much for today you've helped me realize so much today

- student 

Baraga Area Schools + L’Anse Area Schools, L’Anse, Michigan

September 2024


My son met you almost two years ago and you gave him your book. From that day on he began his change, overcoming his difficulties. Today he started high school in one of the best private schools in the country with a scholarship and playing for the football team, he has control of his character and is focused on his goals. my

gratitude will be eternal with you Jordan 💕💕

- parent 


September 2024


Not gonna lie this was the most fun moments of the whole school a lot of people could relate to the serious topics that you were about at Salk. I did get a picture and a book from you. Thank you for coming to Salk Jordan 😁😁😁

- student

Jonas Salk Middle School, Old Bridge, NJ

June 2024


As a parent of a kid currently at Jonas Salk and a follower of yours since my oldest has ADHD (he was on an IEP, he is now 23), I'm thankful you came to talk to the kids. You are truly inspiring to all and you left a major inspirational impact on the kids. You were and are the talk of the school. Thank you for taking a selfie with my daughter @imjustakidwithaniep. She has anxiety and you have given her a new outlook. Keep making changes and inspiring the kids. 🙌👏👏❤️

- parent of a student

Jonas Salk Middle School, Old bridge, NJ

June 2024


Thank you so much for today at my school! I could relate to it all so much and it made me feel better about my anxiety and talking to people about it, so thank you I appreciate it! When you were talking about how getting on the bus was a scary thing for you, I totally understood because that was my biggest fear in 6th grade. Thank you again!

- student 

Jonas Salk Middle School, Old Bridge, NJ

June 2024


Best day ever! This was so much fun! I had such a great time. This helped me realize a lot of things like how you should never be afraid to talk about something that's bothering you. I definitely learned a lot from this assembly and hope it can get around. 

- student

Jonas Salk Middle School, Old Bridge, NJ

June 2024


Thank you jordan Toma for coming out. This event helped so many people. Thank you for helping me get to college and making want to go to college. I loved meeting you. And thank you so much for the necklace I love it so much. You make me so happy and your story is so inspiring to me. I can’t wait to see you again soon thank you again jordan toma

- Mackie Elbaum

former student of Jonas Salk Middle School and Brady's sister, Old Bridge, NJ

June 2024


Click this link to purchase "I'm Just A Kid With An IEP" + scroll down for video Book Review"Best Book Ever! Parents Teachers Administrators Doctors" "100 out to 100"

- Malia Heath



Hi Jordan, I go to East hanover middle school. You were so inspirational to me. Thank you for teaching me what you went through. Also thank you for signing my shoe.


East Hanover Middle School, East Hanover, NJ

May 2024


Hey im from east hanover you came to my school today. You really helped me realize that I should never give up thank you ❤️❤️

- student

East Hanover Middle School, East Hanover, NJ

May 2024


Hey Jordan, awesome presentation today at EHMS. You genuinely really inspired me. I struggle with anxiety and I never really opened up to anyone about it. It felt like it was a ticking time bomb crippling inside of my head. Now that you've taught me that if I can breathe through it once, I can breathe through it all the time I finally gained the courage to open up about it to my parents and I'm finally going to feel a little better about life and myself. Thank you, you helped me in so many ways possible that I couldn't do for myself. 🩶

- student

East Hanover Middle School, NJ

May 2024​


Hey! I'm from east hanover and saw you speak today at the middle school! Even though I do not have an IEP, I still felt like I could relate to you today. I really appreciate you coming to talk to us and it made me realize I was not alone. 💗


East Hanover Middle School, East Hanover, NJ

May 2024


Actually thank you! I grew up with being on an IEP and I always felt like the black sheep. I have ADHD and reading comprehension. In school I would feel like I had to come up with excuses when my friends asked me why I would go into another room during tests. I was always so self conscious on the grades i got when i tried my best. It was a little hard bringing me back to how a place in my life that I hated so much but hearing your entire story you helped me realize that our weakness really do turn into our strengths and it’s so beautiful to realize how much I’ve grown and worked to be where I am today! So thank you for putting an amazing perspective on a topic I thought I would always be ashamed about!

- student

Paul Mitchell The School, Fresno

May 2024


Hi Jordan! I remember this week you came to our school in Michigan. I remember you said to check out your social media and I don't have all the cool things but I found your YouTube! Sorry if this is weird but I just wanted to say that your talk was really inspiring and I can truly relate to the things you said. What was really funny is when you were saying some revelant struggles, my friend kept looking back at me, because she knows I go through the same. I think what you do is amazing and I might check out your book later on. I didn't talk to you because I of course had fricken anxiety. But I have dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia, and it kind of makes it hard to focus in class, I'm not gonna lie. Anyways, I hope you have a great day!

- high school student


May 2024


Hey Jordan!

You may not remember me but I was the school psychologist you spoke with at Nottingham High School in Hamilton NJ this year. Often times when we have guests speak at our school their words and message unfortunately fade with time. Yesterday, I overheard students speaking about your visit in a very positive regard. Later the same day I was surprised to find a signed copy of your book sitting on my desk, specifically addressed to me. When you had told me that you would ensure a copy makes it back to my school I believed you, but I understood that you were on your rock star world tour and that more than likely this would soon be understandably forgotten. I wanted to reach out and let you know that gestures such as this speak more to your character than you know, and the impact you have had on both staff and students here at Nottingham has been profound to say the least. Thank you so much for not only the kindness you have shown myself and my students, but also for putting forth such an effort to make a positive impact on students’ lives. 


You rock Jordan. Even on those miserably tough days, know that your effort is making a difference. Thank you again for all that you do and I hope our paths cross in the future soon!

- school psychologist 

Nottingham High School, Mercerville, NJ

March 2024


Hands down, absolutely the best speaker I've ever heard!

- teacher

McHenry County, IL

April 2024


Hi Jordan! You were just at my school yesterday at Marian Central! I wanted to let you know how much your message resonates with me. I have been diagnosed with adhd for 13 years (i’m 17). It’s always been something that I’ve felt embarrassed about. I never told anyone. This year (my junior year) was the first time I told even my best friends. I’m scared that they’ll see me differently or think that I’m weird. Your message really made me understand how we are all so different but that is what makes us beautiful. Thank you for spreading this beautiful message. And bringing awareness to this topic!

- student

Marian Central Catholic High School, Woodstock, IL

April 2024


Hey Jordan im a student at Woodstock north high school i just wanted to say omg everything you where talking about i relate to so much i have an IEP and ADHD i relate to everything you said from being scared to raise your hand and getting the question wrong to not wanting to read because you would get the words wrong and people would laugh. my life is really hard right now i struggle with school everyday when you came to school on Tuesday for me it was a really really hard day i woke up at 5am and it was so hard for me to even stay together that day. you have truly changed the way i look at life now and you inspired me to even on my bad days to keep going honestly i think you are my new idol. You have changed my mind set and im so happy you talked to our school Tuesday because if you hadn't idk where i would be right now your so inspiaring and its really incredible what you are doing to get your voice heard i read your book in just 1 day and it was so amazing your story truly amazing i juts wanted to say thank you for making me realize that even when my life is hard there is always a brght light at the end of the day. i went straight home and gave my mom a big hug and told her thank you for everything she has done for me! thank you so much for everything jordan its really incredible


Woodstock North High School, Woodstock, IL

April 2024


Had the opportunity to hear @imjustakidwithaniep speak at Marian Central Catholic today. Jordan is a dynamic speaker with a story and that can resonate with so many people, me included,

Two things stuck in my head:
1. My struggle Is my strength.
2. It's not about the grades but rather the journey to get those grades.


If you don't know him, check him out. You won't be disappointed!

- Shawn

Woodstock, IL

April 2024


Hi Jordan- my son and I got home not too long ago from your amazing event tonight. I’m sure you’re tired after a long day. I just had to let you know how special you are and just how much of an impact you have on the people you speak to. 


I have been a fan of yours for a while. I always comment on your mom videos, as they really hit home as a mom of three young adult boys. I also talked to you in the beginning of the school year in hopes of trying to get you to my school to speak to the students. I’m still working on that. 🤞I know you hear stories from so many of the kids that you meet but I just had to let you know how much my son A. got out of meeting you tonight. He also became a fan after I sent him and his two brothers many of your mom videos as well as some of your other inspirational videos about never giving up and all of that. I would always speak to him about you and how you struggled with so many things and persevered and look at where you are now. So he didn’t give me any argument when I mentioned your event a while ago and we got our tickets. I only wish my other two were able to attend.

A. who is my youngest, he’s 20, has been struggling, major struggles in school since preschool, and some health stuff over the last couple of years. He had to have multiple surgeries and finally is doing better with that, but is still in such a very tough place. All of my kids are, but he’s been struggling the most lately and I just can’t even tell you, and I’m tearing right now as I’m writing this, just how much your honesty and openness with your own struggles really resonated with him tonight. We had a great discussion on the way home and he thought you were great and he knew you were real, otherwise he and a lot of those kids that were there tonight, would’ve not listened to you so intently. You have an honesty and a way of captivating your audience just by being you. There were so many things that you said that I always say to him, but I think hearing it from somebody else that’s been through similar struggles, especially the school stuff and the confidence, just meant so much. It’s not easy for a lot of these kids to sit for over two hours and listen to somebody so intently, yet as I looked around the auditorium, everybody was so focused and listening to your every word and I can’t thank you enough for being so authentic. 


Your ability to connect with these kids is amazing and even the little boy Liam just sharing his story in front of everybody was amazing and that’s what you do for these kids and for us parents. Hearing you talk about your mom all the time, she reminds me of me and all of the other moms and dads sitting in the audience tonight. I literally can go on and on, I don’t even know if you’re going to get this message but I hope you do. I’m sure you get lots of them from people around the world, but I just wanted to let you know how special you are. My son said to me, I felt like he was talking to me, and I said, A, that’s when you know you have an amazing person up on that stage because they make it seem like they’re talking to you directly and I reminded him that everybody in that audience no matter how old they were, were struggling in some way, even us parents. Thank you for all you do. It is invaluable to the kids and the parents both. I’m so glad your mom never gave up on you and most importantly, that you never gave up on you and I hope that’s what A. and everybody in that auditorium away from tonight. I hope you get some much-needed rest tonight. And thank you again! Tonight you validated everything I knew you were and more and it was an honor for my son and I to meet you.

- parent

Long Island, NY

April 2024


Yo dude you were at my school today in bayport blue point i just wanted to say that was real cool keep doing u man

- student

James Wilson Young Middle School, Bayport, NY

April 2024


Hey jordan! I just wanted to say thank you for coming to my school today. You really changed my perspective on life and you taught me to be greatful for my mom. My mom follows you and she admires your kind words. I really listened to everything you said today and i’m never going to forget it. Thank you for changing lives and keep doing what you’re doing.

- student

James Wilson Young Middle School, Bayport, NY

April 2024


Hey Jordan just reaching out idk if ur going to see this u came to my middle school today James Wilson young and I loved what u said thank you

- student

James Wilson Young Middle School, Bayport, NY

April 2024


thanks dude! For everything that story reached me I’m sure it reached others

- student

James Wilson Young Middle School, Bayport, NY

April 2024


Hi! I was one of the students you talked to and I just want you to know you changed my life.

So thank you

- student

March 2024


Hey Jordan, I saw your speech. You came to my school, the mount olive high school in New Jersey. I just thought that your speech was so inspiring. And thank you for coming. ❤️ You helped me learn to appreciate those who support you the whole way and really to appreciate my mom. I really think you changed my life. Thank you! ❤️

- high school student

Mount Olive High School, Flanders, NJ

March 2024


I am a kid from Mount Pleasant I just want to say I loved your show today and I've been struggling with my mental health for the past few months and I just wanted to say your speech about mental health and all that really helped me keep going thanks man I appreciate you💯💯

- high school student

Mount Pleasant, PA

March 2024


Finding Jordan Toma to address students' lagging skills in perseverance, motivation and the reality of working hard was great!  He is so relatable for students. They were mesmerized.


At our school, we will continue to use his motto, "Your struggle is your strength," and reference him and his story when working with our students.


Thank you-

Lynn Cummings

School Counselor

Lester C. Noecker School, Roseland, NJ

March 2024


Henry B. Whitehorne Middle School

600 Bloomfield Avenue

Verona, New Jersey 07044

January 27, 2024


Dear Fans of Jordan Toma,


If you are considering Jordan Toma for a speaking engagement, my advice is to contact his office immediately. If you have been inspired by Jordan’s book or by his videos, let me assure you that you will be even more inspired after you hear him speak in person. 

The day of the visit, Jordan arrived early to prepare everything and to say hello to staff. As soon as the students entered the room, Jordan began interacting with them, talking to them and giving out prizes. 


We squeezed 670 students in grades 5 through 8 into the school gym, but you could hear a pin drop when Jordan began speaking. He moved throughout the crowd, and really connected with our students. He spoke from the heart, sharing his struggles with ADHD, anxiety, and dyslexia. What I love most about Jordan’s message is that he is so unflinchingly honest. He doesn’t hold anything back. He is a great role model who proves that it’s cool to be sensitive and admit to your vulnerabilities. He teaches students that everyone struggles, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. He promises them that things get better because part of being human is getting better at handling whatever challenges life brings. I had to hold back tears as I saw my students looking up at him with such hope in their eyes.

There is no doubt in my mind that Jordan is a remarkable person with a unique gift. Somehow he is able to walk into a room of over 700 people and make each and every single person, child or adult, feel seen. I feel blessed to have met Jordan and to have had the opportunity to introduce him to my school community. All of the feedback I received from staff, students, and parents was overwhelmingly positive. 


I look forward to the day when I can invite Jordan back to my school. I hope you have a chance to meet Jordan, too.



Jen Kleinknecht, School Librarian
HBW Middle School


Dana Hoover Review 

As a teacher in my 26th year, I have sat through many assemblies. I’ve watched speakers’ words go in one ear and out the other. Until today.

Jordan Toma shared his journey with our 4th through 8th graders. He engaged them and spoke to their hearts and minds. 

I can’t tell you how many faces lit up. They recognized themselves in Jordan’s story. They were moved. All of them. Jordan reached them in a way that no one else has been able to.

As I sat and watched Jordan’s presentation which felt like a rock concert at times with how cool and fun the vibe was, my heart exploded.

As a teacher and a parent of a child with an IEP, Jordan’s visit was the best “Professional Development” I have ever had. 

I wish every child could hear and see Jordan in person. It is his calling. He is a gift to us all.

Furthermore, Jordan’s story needs to be heard by every parent and adult in education. He will motivate you, remind you that you’re doing right by your child, and really make you understand that OUR WORDS become the inner thoughts of our students and children. 

Jordan…as you continue your journey, I encourage you to start exploring the possibility of talking directly to teachers and parents. 

Today, you made many kids feel stronger, stand a little taller, and understand that their struggle is their strength. Additionally, the parents and teachers that were in attendance benefited greatly. Thank you for helping us become better…to do better for our children and students.

The struggles you went through were actually blessings. God knew you needed to go through it in order to touch the lives of so many.

Dana Hoover

Third Grade Teacher

St. Gregory the Great Academy

Proud to be a Mom of a Kid With An IEP!



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New Jersey, USA

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